Azha Sokhna
Azha Sokhna Village is one of the most prominent tourist villages provided in Ain Sokhna. The village has a comfortable environment for relaxation and tranquility and provides you with a comfortable living experience away from the pressures of life. If you are a fan of comfort and enjoying the wonderful coastal atmosphere, then the village is the ideal and suitable choice for you. . Azha Sokhna Village is provided in one of the most important areas in Ain Sokhna directly on the sea, where the entire village units have a view with a distinctive view that provides comfort and relaxation for all residents within the village. The village comes under the establishment and implementation of the banner of Madar Real Estate Development and Investment Company, one of the largest Investment companies in Egypt and the Middle East.
Unit areas of Azha Ain Sokhna village Madar Real Estate Development Company was keen to provide the units of its distinctive project with different sizes to suit all people and all families of different sizes, so the units of Azha Ain Sokhna Village were as follows: Providing a distinctive group of chalets whose area starts from 97 square meters to 115 square meters. Other chalets in the Azha Ain Sokhna project start from 125 square meters to 145 square meters. Providing units known as townhouses and villas with areas starting from 145 square meters to 318 square meters.